Library Love from Bekah & Arya

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Louisville Free Public Library Foundation
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Libraries are not a luxury, and they are not a guarantee.


raised by 8 people

$350 goal


My brain needs books. In a world dominated by fast-paced, autonomous lifestyles and a constant flow of unbidden, sensationalized data streams – a world not really designed for human thriving – I rely on good books, intentional relationships, and stimulating conversation to heal my heart and mind.

In her own way, Arya leans into this as well. When everyone is awake and my house goes quite for more than five minutes, I almost always find Arya either (1) getting into some shenanigans or (2) cuddled up with a pile of books in a cozy spot, surrounded by approximately 1-20 stuffed animals. It’s usually the latter.

I know we are not alone in our love of literacy.

In my four years working at the Library Foundation, there is one question I've never been asked:

"What is a library?"

Arya knows what a library is, as she walks out with a stack of books nearly as tall as she is. So does the teenager who treks a well-worn path from the bus stop to the library doors every day. The houseless neighbor who finds resources and friendship in a welcoming, air-conditioned space? The amateur genealogist visiting the Kentucky History Room in the Main Library to find the only extant record of her great aunt’s birth? They know. And that elected official from [fill in the blank] party – the one hosting a town hall at the centrally located library in their district – you better believe they understand how important the public library is to the social infrastructure of their electorate.

Even so, the Louisville Free Public Library continues to face chronic funding deficits. I can't go into all of the reasons for that here (please text me to set up coffee for that convo!), but I can assure you the Library Foundation is working every day to leverage private funds needed to empower our library staff with the resources they need, and to amplify efforts to increase public funding.

Help me and Arya (in our own small way) build a stronger library for a stronger Louisville.


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