Mattingly Edge

A nonprofit organization

$47,505 raised by 471 donors

95% complete

$50,000 Goal



Mattingly Edge empowers individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to thrive at work, at home, and in community


Traditional disability supports often isolate people by grouping them in separate spaces. Mattingly Edge, however, is the only agency in Kentucky exclusively offering customized, one-on-one supports tailored to each person's unique goals and needs.

Our model ensures those we support have the opportunity to thrive, contribute, and live fully integrated lives.




Research shows individuals supported in segregated settings often a have lower quality of life, less autonomy, and fewer opportunities for personal growth. Take a look . . . The stats don't look good. 

Only 9% of adults with disabilities in KY have a paid community job.

Only 11% of adults with disabilities in KY live in a home or apartment of their own.

Only 10% of adults with disabilities in KY are part of an integrated community group where they can build relationships beyond family and paid supporters.

About this data: The statistics above are from the Human Development Institute's National Core Indicators Report (2021-22), based on data from adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Kentucky receiving Medicaid Waiver services.


Help us turn these numbers around and build a world where people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else! A world where it’s the norm, not the exception, for people with disabilities to enjoy the things that make life fulfilling—like living in your own home, having a meaningful job, and forging genuine connections. 

However big or small, your donation is an investment in the lives of those we support. DONATE NOW to be part of the change. Together, we can elevate expectations, expand opportunities, and integrate Louisville for all.

See how your donation could change a life:

$25 helps fund Employment Discovery

Through the Discovery process, Edge Employment seeks to uncover the individual skills of job candidates with disabilities, who currently face a 66% unemployment rate in KY.

$50 helps fund Job Customization

Our employment team is one of only two in Louisville trained to collaborate with business leaders and job candidates with disabilities to develop customized employment opportunities, one person at a time.

$100 helps fund Help at Home

Mattingly Edge offers individualized support to help people with the everyday responsibilities we all share—cooking, cleaning, managing schedules, paying bills, and contributing to their communities.

$150 helps Build Community

Only 10% of adults with disabilities in KY are part of an integrated community group where they can build relationships beyond paid supporters. That’s Mattingly Edge helps them connect with their communities by joining clubs, volunteering, and frequenting local spots like bars or coffee shops.

$200 supports Empowerment & Personal Choice

Guardianship is often the default for people with disabilities, despite availability of less restrictive options. Many state guardians, managing over 100 cases, have never even met those they make decisions for. We champion alternatives that enhance autonomy, and help those already assigned state guardians switch to private guardians they know and trust.

$250 helps find Accessible Housing
In a city where there is a shortage of 36,000 affordable housing units, only a fraction of what's available is even accessible. Our Inclusive Housing Solutions project helps people with disabilities in Louisville find or adapt homes to meet their needs and navigate paths toward home ownership.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Mattingly Edge

Tax id (EIN)



1930 Bishop Lane #1001
Louisville, KY 40218


502 451 6200