Let Us Learn, Inc

A nonprofit organization

$4,525 raised by 114 donors

100% complete

$4,000 Goal

The mission of Let Us Learn is to increase access to healthy food through community and family engagement. 

This mission is driven by our vision to see a community where every family has access to healthy food. All programming, partnerships, and new opportunities filter through this driven, ambitious mission and vision to meet the needs of our community members. 


Let Us Learn has been dedicated to promoting the importance of healthy food choices among students in Floyd County since 2016. 

Our farm-to-school curriculum represents a comprehensive effort to cultivate an understanding and appreciation for nutritious food choices while connecting the lessons to Indiana’s science standards. 

Our school gardens serve as outdoor classrooms, offering hands-on learning from planting to harvesting. Our dedicated program educators enhance the effectiveness of our curriculum. We now positively impact seven Floyd County schools. We build school gardens as outdoor learning spaces, feeding minds and bellies.  

In September of 2023, we began a partnership with New Albany High School called the Youth Harvest Project (YHP). Let Us Learn is vital to participating students' career pathways and graduation requirements. 

By addressing the four categories established by the Indiana Department of Education (DOE)—mindsets, learning strategies, social and emotional skills, and work ethic—we aim to equip students with the necessary tools to secure fulfilling employment opportunities upon graduation. This is achieved through our project and service-based learning approaches mandated by the DOE and facilitating connections between students and our community partners through work-based learning experiences. 

From a YHP student, "I grew it, so I might as well taste it."


The only program serving Southern Indiana, our Veggie Rescue team gleans produce from the local farmers' market, harvests from partner farmers, and picks produce from school, market, and home gardens to share thousands of pounds of produce each growing season. Any member of the community is welcomed each Saturday to take what their family can use. Volunteers also deliver fresh produce weekly to the elderly and shut-in community members. In 2023, we distributed 5,060 pounds of produce to our community.


This free, six-week-long evening program breaks down the main barriers of time, access, knowledge, and cost that stand between people and healthy eating. Open to anyone receiving assistance (WIC, Headstart, Free/reduced school lunch, Medicaid, SNAP, etc.) and geared toward heads-of-household, the weekly 3-hour-long, free class provides meal-prep for four meals each week (a total of 12-16 servings), a community meal at the close of each session, and small kitchen equipment and books for each participant. Assistance with childcare and transportation is available.

"Trying new things, new recipes that are simple to prepare." "Different tasty and easy options." "It showed me how I don't have to spend a lot of money to prepare and cook good meals that aren't that hard." Feedback responses from Breaking Bread & Barriers participants

Did you know? 🌱🌱🌱Let Us Learn is the only organization in our area that brings a Farm-to-School curriculum into ALL of the NAFCS Title 1 elementary schools. We build school gardens to be outdoor learning spaces, feeding both minds and bellies. In September 2023, we added the Youth Harvest Project at New Albany High School (NAFCS). We are part of the career pathways for our students' graduation requirements. 

Did you know? 🥗🥗🥗Since January 2023, we've served over 2,500 meals through our Breaking Bread and Barriers Meal Prep Class? By the end of December, we will have served nearly 2,500 meals to our community.

Did you know?🍅🥕🥦Since May 2023, we've donated over 8,000 pounds of local, healthy, fresh produce to our community? By the end of the growing season, we estimate that we will have donated 10,000 pounds of produce!

🥰🥰🥰THANKS FOR GIVING TODAY! You can become a partner and make an impact by becoming a monthly donor. You can make a difference by donating just $10 a month. Go to our website and choose a level that is comfortable for youThank you for giving for good today, and please consider making a sustaining monthly gift!

We do all of this with a staff of two (a part-time and a full-time), a small-but-mighty Board of Directors,
a dedicated group of volunteers,
and donors like you!

Who We Are

Let Us Learn is a completely volunteer-run organization focused on educating and sharing with the community. We have a particular focus on garden-to-table nutrition. Many of our classes and events provide education and support regarding growing food, selecting nutritious options, learning how to cook with produce, and helping provide community members with fresh, nutritious produce.

Organization Data


Organization name

Let Us Learn, Inc

Tax id (EIN)



427 Highland Ave
New Albany, IN 47150



Social Media